Thursday, January 20, 2011


Classification of joint
-It can be classify based on structure and function.


-Material that binds the bones together and on the presence or absence of joint cavity.

1.) Fibrous joints

-Bones connect by fibrous tissue.
-No joint cavity, little or no movement.
Suture (skull)
Syndesmoses (gomphoses)
Interosseus membrane (ulna and radius bone)

2.) Cartilaginous joints

-Bones united by cartilage.
-No joint cavity, little or no movement.
Synchondrosis (hyline cartilage unite bone)
Symphysis (fibrocartilage unites bones)

3.) Synovial joints

-Most movable joints in body.
-Have joint cavity (synovial cavity and synovial fluid)
-Articular cartilage (cover end of opposing bones)
-Articular capsule (enclosed joint cavity)
-Reinforcing ligaments


a)Plane joints
-articular surface are plane ,allow only glidding movement.

b)Hinge joints
-cylindrical surface of one joints fits in the trough shape of the other. Allow movement around 1 axis.

c)Pivot joints
-rounded end of one bone forms into a ring bounded by the other bone plus a ligament movement occur in 1 axis.

-egg shape surface of one bone fits into concave surface of other. Allow movement in 2 axis.

-articular surface if both bones are concave and convex(saddle) biaxial joint.

f)Ball and socket
-spherical head of one bone fits into the socket of the other, multiaxial joint.

-Synarthroses = immovable joint (suture)
-Amphiarthroses = slightly movable joints (fibrous connection, intervetebral discs)
-Diarthroses = freely movable joints (synovial)

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